Monday, December 23, 2013


                                    Psalm                          Reading                                  Gospel
December 25
Lauds                           2                                                                                 Matthew 1:18-25
Mass                            96                                Micah 5:1-4                            Luke 2:1-14
Vespers                        117                                                                              Luke 2:15-20

December 26
Lauds                           Colossians 1:15-20      Hebrews 1:1-4                                    
Mass                            110                              Hebrews 1:5-14                       John 14:1-14  
Vespers                        8                                  Hebrews 2-3

December 27
Lauds                           95                                Hebrews 4                              
Mass                            110                              Hebrews 5:1-10                      John 14:15-31
Vespers                        78                                Hebrews 5:11-14

December 28
Lauds                           113                              Hebrews 6                                          
Mass                            99                                Hebrews 7                               John 15:1-17  
Vespers                        56                                Hebrews 8:1-6

December 29
Lauds                           50                                Hebrews 8:7-13                                              
Mass                            119                              Hebrews 9                               John 15:18-27
Vespers                        116                              Hebrews 10:1-18

December 30
Lauds                           105                              Hebrews 10:19-39                                          
Mass                            92                                Hebrews 11                             John16
Vespers                        Proverbs 4:10-27         Hebrews 12:1-13

December 31
Lauds                           1                                  Hebrews 12:14-29                                          
Mass                            133                              Hebrews 13:1-8                        John 17           
Vespers                        150                              Hebrews 13:9-25

Holy Family Sunday (Any Sunday between Dec 25 and Jan 1)
On this holy day, the liturgy of the mass is replaced with the following.
                                    Psalm                           Reading                                    Gospel

Mass                           Sirach 3:1-16               Hebrews 13:1-8                        Luke 2:39-52   

There are three fixed readings in the first two weeks of the New Year: The Solemnity of Mary on January 1, the Feast of the Epiphany on January 6 and the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord on the 1st Sunday after Epiphany. This latter feast may fall on any day between January 7 and 13. There is an additional Sunday mass possible between January 1st and 6th. The liturgies of the days between all of these feasts are devoted to the Book of Wisdom. This brief season is cut short whenever the first Sunday after Epiphany occurs before January 13.


                                    Psalms                         Readings                                  Gospel

January 1, Feast of the Solemnity of Mary
Lauds                           2                                                                                  Luke 2:21
Mass                            Isaiah 42:1-9                Leviticus 12                             Luke 2:22-35
Vespers                                                                                                            Luke 2:36-38  

January 2
Lauds                           1                                  Wisdom 1:1-11
Mass                            4                                  Wisdom 1:12-16                      John 11:38-44
Vespers                        144                              Wisdom 2:1-11

January 3
Lauds                           14                                Wisdom 2:12-24
Mass                            6                                  Wisdom 3:1-12                         Luke 13:1-5
Vespers                        67                                Wisdom 3:13-19

January 4
Lauds                           65                                Wisdom 4:1-6
Mass                            112                              Wisdom 4:7-20                          Luke 16:19-31
Vespers                        107                              Wisdom 5:1-13

January 5
Lauds                           91                                Wisdom 5:14-23
Mass                            119                               Wisdom 6:1-21                           John 14:26
Vespers                        11                                 Wisdom 6:22-25
Sunday after Solemnity of Mary

January 6, Feast of the Epiphany
Lauds                                                                                                               Matthew 2:1-12
Mass                                                                Hosea 11:1                              Matthew 2:13-18
Vespers                                                                                                            Matthew 2:19-23

January 7
Lauds                           139                              Wisdom 7:1-6
Mass                            49                                Wisdom 7:7-12                       Matthew 5:1-12
Vespers                        90                                Wisdom 7:13-22

January 8
Lauds                           15                                Wisdom 7:23-30
Mass                            19                                Wisdom 8:1-8                          Matthew 13:44
Vespers                        33                                Wisdom 8:9-21

January 9
Lauds                           34                                Wisdom 9
Mass                            36                                Wisdom 10                              Matthew 13:45-46 Vespers                  68                                    Wisdom 11

January 10
Lauds                           127                              Wisdom 12
Mass                            106                              Wisdom 13                              John 17
Vespers                        82                                Wisdom 14-15

January 11
Lauds                           88                                Wisdom 16:1-15
Mass                            114                              Wisdom 16:16-29                    Mark 6:34-44
Vespers                        107                              Wisdom 17

This year, the year of Our Lord 2014, the first Sunday after Epiphany falls on January 12 and begins a new liturgical season for the monks of Ordo Verbum Dei. 

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