

Matins – Monks rise for prayer in the middle of the night.  Afterward, they may return to rest or private prayer.

Lauds – At first light (before sunrise), the monks rise again for this prayer. 

Mass- As the sun rises, the monks celebrate mass and then eat breakfast.

Prime – This prayer is usually said in private as each monk begins his day after breakfast.  Those who attend a class may say it in common.

Terce- At mid-morning, the monks gather for this prayer.  Those who work outside the monastery say it in private.  Afterwards, all return to work or study.

Sext – After coming together again for prayer at mid-day, the monks have dinner before returning to work or study.  Those who work outside the monastery say the prayer in private before eating.

None – In the middle of the afternoon, monks convene for this prayer.  Afterwards, there is time for private prayer, recreation or rest.  There is no work, or eating, after none.

Vespers – At sunset, the monks join in community prayer one last time before having supper.  Those who work outside the monastery are required to return for this prayer.  Afterwards, there may be a meeting.

Compline – When darkness has come, the monks say compline in their cells and sleep.